All about Veg•e Proteins blends!

All about Veg•e Proteins blends!

One of the biggest trends in food today is vegetarianism. In fact, 33% of Canadians, or almost 12 million, are either already vegetarian or eating less meat. We’re hearing more and more in the media that this way of life is gaining popularity with the masses as illustrated in the books The Campbell Report andForks Over Knives as well as PlantPure Nation and Forks Over Knives.

It was in order to respond to consumer needs to find meatless solutions that we launched Veg•e. Made up of three distinct products, the assortment offers mixes containing veggie proteins, but aside from the fact that it doesn’t have animal protein, what is Veg•e?

Veg•e products

At Arctic Gardens, we believe that to live life to the fullest, you have to eat healthy. That’s why Veg•e contains delicious veggies that are grown here. They’re enriched with flavourful legumes that are bursting with health benefits.

The Veg•e line has just settled in with the rest of our products. It offers consumers a healthy alternative to pre-cooked meals in the frozen food section. We’ve enhanced our veggies by adding legumes, seasoning and grains with the goal of providing you with protein content. Our offer suits all tastes and is unique because of its trendy food composition: green chick peas, edamame, bok choy, kale, etc.


Veg•e is first and foremost known for the plant proteins it contains. It provides consumers with a meatless option to satisfy their dietary needs.

Its flexible 300 gram format allows you to serve it as a main meal or side. As you microwave it in its own packaging, you avoid doing dishes. Only five minutes and it’s ready for you to enjoy!


The line has three varieties, each one tastier than the next. With various inspirations, they offer a diversity that will pique everyone’s interest.

Orzo and green chick peas

Orzo and green chick peasA winning combination of orzo with green chick peas, asparagus, kale and a luscious Italian-style seasoning with parmesan cheese, this product is sure to please young and old. If you want to enjoy it as a side, it goes very well with a good steak or a nice white fish.

Quinoa and soy beans

Quinoa and soy beansThis mix contains quinoa with soybeans, lentils, bok choy, carrots, onions and a delicious sesame ginger seasoning. With its Asian flair, it’s a marvellous side for seafood or pork.

Macaroni and white kidney beans

Macaroni et haricots de SoissonsMacaroni is mixed with white kidney beans, cauliflower, carrots, kale, onions, as well as an assortment of exquisite cheeses. A smart trick is to serve it as a side with chicken breast, ham or even shrimp – excellent!

The consumer at the heart of research

It’s important for us to give you the best product bar none. That’s why our process has various research stages where the consumer is at the forefront.

The first stage consisted of evaluating the concept. It was to determine if the consumer would be interested in buying our new product line.

During the second stage, we presented products to consumers. Several varieties were proposed and the one they chose is in stores today. How much they enjoyed the products and what they thought of the price were validated at this stage of the study. Several other varieties that got great feedback could eventually become part of the line.

The third stage consisted of a sensory test. In all, 100 participants helped us determine if the product’s taste and appearance met their expectations. This was at this stage that we came back to find the balance between a healthy proposal and a delicious mix.

Finally, for the last stage of research, we organized a group discussion on packaging and advertising message. For our product to be the most appealing to you, we wanted your opinion! It’s thanks to participants’ comments that the packaging looks like it does today.

Study highlights: Not only did the protein content satisfy participants, but the variety of ingredients and practical aspect of the product won their hearts.

Advertising campaign

The goal of the Veg•e products launch campaign for to standardize vegetarian meals and make them acceptable. Breaking stereotypes like the one that says only meat provides the necessary proteins, Veg•e proves that we’re finally ready to try vegetarianism at least once.

For the advertising campaign, we wanted to emphasize our vegetarian proposal by creating a family atmosphere for our veggie mixes. “Your kids are lying to you”. It’s in this same vein with humour that the Veg•e campaign was born. “No need to lie”. You see this concept in ads broadcast online and on TV, as well as in the public relations campaign.



Still haven’t tried Veg•e? Find Veg•e products at participating IGA, Metro, Provigo and Super C stores!

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